Do you want to live for an extra 12 years?

Recent research has suggested that if we adopt five healthy lifestyle practises before the age of fifty that we can increase our life expectancy by twelve years, compared with people who do not adopt these practises. What are these healthy lifestyle practises? You\’ll have to watch the video to find out (it\’s less than 2 […]

My sailing holiday (how to break your spine part II)

I was reading the Scottish Medical Journal the other day (it’s new to me, and much recommended!) when I came across this article about spinal compression fractures sustained by people on jet-skis and motor boats while on holiday in Malta Ways of breaking your spine seem to be a theme of mine, currently, on this […]

Ed is leaving us!….

Tara is back from maternity leave at the beginning of June, so Ed is leaving us at the end of this month. Many thanks to him for all the care he has given the patients that he has been looking after. Ed is going to work with a chiropractor in Headington, Jon Howat. Good luck […]


Did you go to Abingdon airshow this weekend? We did, and had a great time. There was a scale model of a Lightning jet, like my Dad used to fly in the 1960s and 70s. These jets were pretty unreliable and pilots sometimes had to eject. This would frequently cause a spinal compression fracture. That’s […]

Simple back stretching exercises

I have a friend, Marin, who lives, with her husband, in Honolulu. She has made some exercise videos for us, many of which you will find on the ‘self-help’ page of our website.Have a look at this set of exercises. They are simple back stretches which most of us can do and will find helpful. […]

My jeans were too tight!

Back in January, I thought that my washing machine was playing up, and shrinking my jeans! But then I realised that I was using a different hole on my belt buckle, and that actually, all of my clothes were too tight. Oops – too fat! Time to lose weight. Two months later, and I had […]

Cup of tea?

I was about to go for a run and then come back and have a cup of tea, but then I read this article in the BJSM about the effects of caffeine on sports performance. It was a very powerful piece of research, pulling together the results of many other research articles. ….and the result? […]

I was an addict….

Bizarrely, when I was 18yrs old, I found that running kept my eczema at bay. It was great to feel that simply by going running, my eczema got less troublesome. I became addicted to running…. \’Runners high\’ is the sensation of going running as one person and coming back from your run as another (much […]

An unusual cause of neck pain and headache

‘Eagle Syndrome’ is a rare condition first described  in 1937 by an American ENT specialist, Dr Watt Weams Eagle (great name)! It sometimes starts after surgery to the tonsils, strangely. A case was written up recently in the British Medical Journal. In cases of Eagle Syndrome, the styloid bone is too long  and pokes into […]

Come and visit Tanzania!

When we ask our patients in the clinic to pop into the loo and do a ‘wee’ sample for us, it is taken for granted that the loo is clean and well-lit, and disposes of the waste safely. Furthermore, there is hot and cold running water to wash your hands and individual hand towels to […]