useful information

self help

Empowering You with Tips for Better Health.


There is lots that you can do to help yourself if you have problems.

Hello! Spinal exercises can really make a difference when it comes to easing pain and preventing recurring joint issues. These exercises work by stretching tight muscles and loosening up stiff joints. Here’s a good rule of thumb: if an exercise feels a bit uncomfortable at first but then starts to feel easier, it’s likely doing you good. On the other hand, if it causes more pain as you go on, it’s best to steer clear.

The exercises we’re showing you here are simple and widely recommended by many chiropractors for various conditions. Just use your common sense when doing them, and if you’re ever unsure, it’s always wise to get advice from your chiropractor.

And just to cover the necessary bits: please remember, if you’re not currently one of our patients, we can’t take responsibility if you hurt yourself trying these exercises. It’s one of those legal things we have to mention!

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