When we ask our patients in the clinic to pop into the loo and do a ‘wee’ sample for us, it is taken for granted that the loo is clean and well-lit, and disposes of the waste safely. Furthermore, there is hot and cold running water to wash your hands and individual hand towels to dry your hands. The loo is secure and you will feel safe. Of course!
Just think what it would be like if were not so? Dirty, dark, unhygienic, unsafe! Well that is how things are for many people world-wide, which is crazy considering how much wealth and knowledge there is across the world!
Enter www.toilettwinning.org who are on a mission to change things. Through their website we have twinned our clinic toilet with a toilet in Tanzania. The money that we have paid to do this will go towards building another toilet somewhere in the world that needs it. Awesome!
Why would we ask our patients to do a urine sample? Because a urine sample can tell us if a patient has a urinary tract infection, or a kidney stone, or diabetic nephropathy, all of which can produce low back pain. These conditions may need medical treatment, rather than chiropractic treatment!
Why did we choose Tanzania as our twinning choice? You\’ll have to watch the video to find out (it\’s only 1 min long)!