A 70yr old man with leg pain

Leg pain is pretty common, especially as we get older. There are lots of reasons why this can happen. In this video I discuss about one cause of leg pain that commonly happens when we are younger, but can result in us having leg pain later in life. Found out what it is in this […]
Get yourself moving….

We are coming to the end of our third week of being open and seeing our patients again! Lots of our patients have said that working from home on a less-than ideal workstation (ie the kitchen table) has made them stiffen up a bit. If that applies to you, then maybe have ago at some of these […]
A 26-yr old man with back pain

This 26yr old man came to see us with back pain which he thought might have been caused by going to the gym. But he had a temperature…. why was that? Find out in this short video!
His leg felt like it was…… broken!

When we were out cycling as a group a few years ago, near Frilford Health, a couple of the guys bumped handlebars and Kevin came off his bike onto the road (hard). I was called upon to have a look and see what damage he had done. Nothing was displaced, but I knew very quickly […]
How to get fit at home with no equipment…..

Back in the 1950s, the Royal Canadian Air Force commissioned Dr Bill Orban to come up with a simple exercise programme that their staff could use without any equipment. It became very popular with the general public too, and was probably the precursor to many of the exercise programmes that are available today. You\’ll need […]
An older lady with shoulder pain

I have been in the allotment this week doing my \’allowance\’ of daily exercise. This got me thinking about a lady who came to the clinic recently with shoulder pain, which she thought had been triggered off by gardening. Find out in this short video what the problem was, and what treatment she needed to […]
It was \’like sitting on a golf ball\’

I was cycling past Frilford Golf Course yesterday (daily exercise, social distancing on a bike etc), and it made me think of the way that one patient described his pain. It was quite unusual: ‘like sitting on a golf ball’. Sounds pretty painful to me! What would cause this sort of pain? Have a look […]
You can contact Andrew and Tara!

Although we have had to close our doors and not see patients because of the coronavirus outbreak, you can still contact Andrew and Tara directly. This is best done via email: andrew@abingdonchiropractic.co.uk and tara@abingdonchiropractic.co.uk. We are still on hand to help and advise, even if only remotely. So do contact us directly if you feel […]
Left shoulder problem or heart attack?

Pain in the left shoulder is always a concern because of the possibility that it might be the heart that is the problem. In this short video I discuss the dilemma that we commonly face in practice. Watch out for Laurel and Hardy at the end of the video…..
Why I no longer eat pesto……

Did you know that scurvy still exists? I thought that since the realisation many years ago that citrus fruit prevents it that it would never occur. But it does! There are some particular groups who are more likely to get it than the general population. What are those groups? Why are they vulnerable? Why would […]