Three lifestyle modifications that can reduce the risk of heart disease

You might be interested in this article about heart disease in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. There are three issues to consider, according to the authors, Malhotra, and colleagues. You can read the original article here:
What is the best pain-killer for sciatica?

In this video Andrew discusses a new article in the BMJ this week on this topic. If you want to read the original paper click here:…
Just one hour per week!

Great article here, by Harvey and colleagues, about how effective even just ONE hour per week of exercise is, in the prevention of depression. Depression is often a significant factor in physical symptoms such as neck pain, low back pain and headaches. Exercise may therefore be really helpful in helping to reduce these symptoms. […]

Need to be able to move your computer screen easily? We have just fitted a monitor arm to hold the computer in our treatment room. It is made by The model is a ‘Flo’ (in case you are interested in getting one)!
What do our patients think of us?

We send follow-up questionnaires to our patients to try and get feedback about what we do. This video shows a small selection of some that we have had back in recent times. Thanks to those patients!