Can you run faster with these?

I’ve never been a very fast runner. My Parkrun speed is only 6.2 mph. Mostly I run for the mood ‘high’ that running gives me. I reckon that Jill, the family guinea pig, can run faster than me (size related). Guinea pigs can run at speeds of up to 8 mph! How come they can […]
A 45-yr old lady with mid-back pain

A few weeks ago I did a cycle ride from Bath to Bristol. I cycled down to Didcot and took my folding bike on the train to Bath to meet up with Alex, (the older son). While I was waiting for him outside Bath station I popped into the bike shop there (it’s brilliant, btw) […]
Muscle tear….or DVT?

I’ve just done my first Parkrun. For those that don’t know anything about Parkrun, it is a free, community-led international event that happens somewhere near you on a Saturday morning. It is a 5kilometre run, which is timed. It felt like hard work, and I got too hot as I had kept my fleece on, […]
When cycling is better than walking…

We all agree, walking is good for you. Unfortunately, patients with spinal stenosis find that they get leg pain when they walk, because they get nerve compression at the bottom of the spine. Bending forward, however, relieves the pain. This means that getting around on a bike is much easier for these patients than walking. […]
An older lady with back pain

This older lady had back pain. Why did we do a urine test? What did it show? Find out in this short video!
This check-up was a really good idea!

People have different opinions about check-ups. Most of us go to the dentist for check-ups, for instance. Some don\’t. Many medical specialities recommend check-ups, like opticians. Some of us go along with it, sometimes we forget, or can\’t be bothered! Anyway, here is a little video about a check-up that was a huge help…..
An uncommon cause of low back pain in an older man

I had to scan one of the family guinea-pigs (Jill) the other day (my girlfriend is a vet). This poor little pig was weeing a lot, and there was blood in her urine. It seems that she was in pain too, as she didn\’t like to be handled too much. My girlfriend suspected that Jill […]
Covid-19 update

We are trying to limit the patients that we see to those who have a clinical need and who are not vulnerable. Check if you are vulnerable by looking at this important information. Please only make an appointment if you need help and it is safe for you to come in. Hopefully by the time […]
Give your Brain a break!

Following on from last week’s video, Tara is demonstrating an exercise to reinforce the connections between the brain and the body. This particular movement helps to stimulate the part of the brain concerned with balance and movement. It reinforces the connections between the top and bottom, as well as the front and the back of […]
Boost your brain with these exercises!

Movement is important for joint mobility, flexibility and strength but it is also crucial for our brain function.From the earliest stages of life, movement is our brain’s teacher. Movement helps us learn. It stimulates and creates neural connections in the brain which enables us to learn and process information. Adults can also use movement to boost […]