Changes here at the clinic!

We have an important announcement for you: There are changes underway at Abingdon Chiropractic Clinic! After 35yrs of running the practice, I am going to retire from the practice! My position will be taken over by Kash Saleemi, who will work alongside Tara Craig here at the clinic. I am finishing at the end of […]

Is Turmeric helpful?

Thanks to Karen for asking this question when she was in for her last treatment. I said that I would find out more and get back to her. So here it is….. What is Turmeric? It is produced from the rhizomes of Curcuma longa, a plant of the ginger family, that grows in Asia It […]

This man saved my life….

July 1996, it’s a hot day and I’m entering the golf club at Hadden Hill.  Two older men are there. One of them, seeing me, says to his friend, while pointing at me: ‘This man saved my life’! I then realise that it’s Norman, who I had seen the previous year in the clinic. I […]

An older man with pain in the leg

One of our very fit, older, patients complained of a pain on the inner aspect of his thigh. ‘Have I pulled a muscle’? He wondered. When I examined his leg I could feel a line of ropiness on the inner thigh, that meandered around a little. It felt like a piece of rope under the […]

What is the best medication for back pain?

When we get back pain, many peoples first reaction is to head to the bathroom cabinet and take some medication. But what is the best medication to take? ibuprofen? paracetamol? muscle relaxants, anticonvulsants? The list is seemingly endless. Even if we don’t have medication in our bathroom cabinet, many of us will have something prescribed […]

The Mysterious Doc Cheng….

An older man with right-sided back pain I came across this antique drinks bottle recently. ‘Doc Cheng’s’ it says on it, with a very intriguing image of an Asian man, Doc Cheng, presumably? Who was Doc Cheng? What caught my eye was the ‘Codd neck’ of the bottle. The fizzy drink holds a marble up […]

Why does this lady get Recurrent back pain?

This lady has been getting back pain on and off for a long time! Her low back is tender to touch and she also gets pain in other joints, including her hands and fingers. When she has manual therapy she finds it uncomfortable and she does not get as much relief from treatment has some […]

A 32yr old man with pain in the mid-back

 Mark is 32yrs old. He came to the clinic complaining of pain in the mid-back, in between his shoulder blades. It had started about six weeks previously, for no obvious reason, and he felt it particularly badly in the morning, when he woke up. The pain seemed to come and go. He did say […]

Is your BP monitor any good?

This article was stimulated by me seeing an article by Dean Piccone and colleagues [1] in the JAMA. I thought that all blood pressure (BP) monitors that are sold in the UK would be equally valid, but apparently not! Why is measuring BP important? We know that elevated systolic BP is a risk factor for […]

Does too much exercise cause back pain?

Sometimes you wonder about scientists. Do they want their research to be understood? Or do they want to cloak it in mystery? One study, published quite a number of years ago (2009), sounds like the title of the latest instructions from a piece of drainage kit from Plumbers World: ‘Physical activity and low back pain: […]