From a Pumpkin into a Prince

Is it worth reviewing our health periodically and getting things checked? We like to think so, and so do many of our patients. The patient in this video was shocked when I did his annual review a few months ago and found a couple of things that he was not happy about……. Find out what […]

My girlfriend doesn\’t like beetroot!

There is a common condition that quite often causes back pain. The standard medical treatment in recent years has been medication, but there is a shift now towards managing this condition with dietary changes and weight loss. Find out what this condition is by watching this very brief (1 min) video, where we visit our […]

My jeans were too tight!

Back in January, I thought that my washing machine was playing up, and shrinking my jeans! But then I realised that I was using a different hole on my belt buckle, and that actually, all of my clothes were too tight. Oops – too fat! Time to lose weight. Two months later, and I had […]