The day I met Elliot Perlman….

Some of you know that I’m in a book group, and really enjoy reading. So when I was introduced to an author that I had not come across before, I was really intrigued. The ‘meeting’ occurred at the AGM of the Royal College of Chiropractors last week. They do a great lecture programme at the […]
Oops! I cut the leg off – by accident!

When you have pain in the leg it can be pretty unpleasant, and recently a patient said to me that she \’wanted to cut her leg off\’… which reminded me of something that happened years ago….. What should you do if you have sciatica? What are the guidelines? In this short video (less than 2 […]
30 yrs ago, things were a little different…..

We opened the clinic almost exactly 30yrs ago. Things were a little different back then. Andrew used to wear a tie, for instance! But it wasn\’t very different. Our aims were the same: Firstly: to find out what is wrong with you. Secondly: to help you get better, and thirdly: to help you stay well! […]
A fifty-yr old lady with back pain at night and in the morning

This 50yr old lady was getting back pain at night and first thing in the morning. The pain would go away once she was up and about. What was causing her back pain? You can find out in this short (less than 2 mins) video!
Low back pain in an older man

It\’s pumpkin season! This got me thinking about a patient, an older man, who I was treating, a while back, for his low back pain. On examining him I found some swelling in his lower abdomen. What was it? Find out in this short video! If you would like to read more about pumpkin seeds […]
From a Pumpkin into a Prince

Is it worth reviewing our health periodically and getting things checked? We like to think so, and so do many of our patients. The patient in this video was shocked when I did his annual review a few months ago and found a couple of things that he was not happy about……. Find out what […]
How quick are your reflexes?

When I was a kid, I used to play cowboys with my pals Geoff and Pete. We had toy pistols that make a great bang when we did our gun draw duels, but I was always the slowest to draw my gun and was always the first to ‘die’. We used to talk about having […]
It’s worse than that, he’s dead, Jim!

Sat 8th September is Star Trek Day. Why? Because Star Trek was first on TV on 8th September 1966! My favourite character was ‘Bones’, the Medical Officer on the Spaceship. Was ‘Bones’ the first astronaut chiropractor? Watch the video and find out!
My girlfriend doesn\’t like beetroot!

There is a common condition that quite often causes back pain. The standard medical treatment in recent years has been medication, but there is a shift now towards managing this condition with dietary changes and weight loss. Find out what this condition is by watching this very brief (1 min) video, where we visit our […]
I got my license….. from a cornflake packet!

You’re probably too young to remember the old days…… no breakfast TV! The only thing to do was to read the Cornflake packaging. Cornflakes are apparently fortified with Niacin. ‘Why is that important?\’ you ask…. Well, find out in short this video…. (Warning: contains footage of bad driving, as well as one of the secrets […]