What is the best medication for back pain?

When we get back pain, many peoples first reaction is to head to the bathroom cabinet and take some medication. But what is the best medication to take? ibuprofen? paracetamol? muscle relaxants, anticonvulsants? The list is seemingly endless. Even if we don’t have medication in our bathroom cabinet, many of us will have something prescribed […]

What is the best pain-killer for sciatica?

In this video Andrew discusses a new article in the BMJ this week on this topic. If you want to read the original paper click here: https://www.bmj.com/content/359/bmj.j4248…

Spinal manipulative treatment helps acute low back pain

There was an interesting article published last month in the Journal of the American Medical Association. It was a research study into the effectiveness of spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) for acute low back pain. The outcome of the study was very positive. What was really great (from our point of view) was the editorial encouraging […]

George the rat has a spinal problem!

Rats have spines too – and they get spinal problems! Especially boy rats, for some reason. Meet George – a rat with spinal stenosis – degenerative changes in the spine – that is causing him to have mobility problems!